Thursday, September 3, 2009

Song Fest 2009 - BEST GROUP =)

Our powerful conductor Ernest Wee.
This is his first time became conductor, good job!!!

Our Soloist - Liew Suet Ling

Yvonne the conductor.Great job to our soloist Suet Ling who get third place, we know that you have done your best and you will always be the best soloist for group Eleazar =)

Surprisingly, the Best Group is . . . . . Group ELEAZAR!!!

Suet Ling's lovely "sifu" - Jen Ruw & Yvonne
It is really by God's grace that we have became the best group for song fest, it is really worth for all our hardship, the time we have spent together for practice, the arguments that we have, but all this are for the sake of this outreach event.

Praise God we have became the best group,
praise God even if we are not the best group,
this is the real spirit that we should have.
Great job, proud of group Eleazar!!!